AUDIOLAB16 JUNIOR ================= An hard-disk based 16bit audio recording,editing,processing,mixing system, originally designed for AAA/3210DSP equipped machines, now available on standard Amigas. COPYRIGHT ========= This package (AudioLab16Junior, its code, the documentation and anything else present in this archive) are copyright Maurizio Ciccione, all rights are reserved. You are not allowed remove or modify the files contained in this package. You are not allowed add files to this package. You are not allowed to decompile or extract part of code from the executable. DISCLAIMER ========== This package is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. In no event will the author be liable for any damage resulting form possession, use or malfunction of this product. DISTRIBUTION ============ This package is freely distributable, as long as it is not modified, however its use is limited by a User Licence (see below). This package or any part of it may not be sold in any form, however a minimal charge for copying and handling is acceptable. This package may be freely distributed via BBSs, software libraries such as Fred Fish's and Aminet CD-ROMs, magazine coverdisks. USER LICENCE ============ You are allowed to use this package as is, without any modification. You agree to immediatly suspend its use if/when the author will require it. If, after a limited period of envaluation time (30 days), you continue to use AudioLab16 Junior, you should register. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION =================== An hard-disk based 16bit audio recording,editing,processing,mixing system, originally designed for AAA / 3210DSP equipped machines, now available on standard Amigas. Operates on single-channel audio files directly from/to disk (2 gigabytes maximum recording size) in 16bit resolution (a realtime spatial enhancer is available during playback). Allows: - importing recordings from PC,MAC,Amiga formats - importing recordings from other devices (DAT,CD,stand-alone samplers) as long as you can transfer PCM data on Amiga HD. - direct digital tranfer from AudioCDs (Apple CD300(+) compatible CD-ROM drive required) to HD - recording from parallel port (hardware mono sampler required) direct to disk - building Relative Edit Lists (joining different fragments on different files) - building Absolute Edit Lists (assigning timecodes to different fragments on different files) - using a standard Amiga as a near-16bit quality output device. - mixing eight 16bit recordings in realtime/direct-from-disk - performing realtime/direct-from-disk DSP operations - playing realtime/direct-from-disk PC,MAC,Amiga formats without requiring conversion (8SVX-DPCM recordings are decompressed in realtime during playback) - controlling/playing AudioCDs (Apple CD300(+) compatible CD-ROM drive required) - triggering realtime/direct-from-disk playback via Arexx,MIDI or keyboard - exporting recordings to PC,MAC,Amiga formats - calculating FIR filter coefficients via sinc windowing - testing FIR filter coefficients linking a text-editor with the DSP (automatic impulse-response and frequency-response display) - generating files containing test signals - more... Supports: - multitasking - screemode selection - on-line documentation Requires: - a 68030 (or faster) CPU - a fast and large hard-drive - 2MB ram (4MB recommended) - a 640x400 screen resolution (800x600 recommended) - OS2.1 (or higher) This is the Junior version (with most of the functions locked and reduced documentation). REGISTRATION ============ Registering to AudioLab16Junior you will get: - the AudioLab16 Standard package (with unlocked functions and with full documentation) - one free upgrade. See the OrderForm.txt for details. Methods accepted for sending the registration fee: - cash (at your own risk) - postal money order (safe). No other methods are accepted, please. If you decide to mail cash into an envelope ask your local postal office how to send an envelope safely. Also consider asking for a return receipt. Be sure cash is not detectable from outside the envelope. Orders are processed within 48 hours from the receiving of your registration. A short delay (up to 10 days) is possible if a new release is almost ready. My address is: Maurizio Ciccione v. Neghelli 9 Alassio (SV) 17021 ITALY FIDONET: 2:332:206.7 INTERNET: as soon as possible. INSTALLATION ============ Simply copy the archive contents to a drawer on your HD. From Workbench click once on the AudioLab16Junior icon and select 'Information' from the (Workbench) 'Icon' menu. Now set the following tooltypes to match your hardware setup: A_MEM_MODEL= note: affects the amount of ChipRam/FastRam used by the application (use the largest possible on your setup) example: A_MEM_MODEL=LARGE B_MEM_MODEL= note: affects the amount of FastRam used by the Locator tool's caching system (use the largest possible on your setup) example: B_MEM_MODEL=LARGE *** WARNING: if you need to reduce FastRam usage reduce B_MEM_MODEL first (if that's not enought reduce A_MEM_MODEL) CDDA_SCSI_DEVICE= note: set this if you have a scsi CD-ROM drive (this sets a default, you can change it inside the application) example: CDDA_SCSI_DEVICE=gvpscsi.device CDDA_SCSI_UNIT= note: set this if you have a scsi CD-ROM drive (this sets a default, you can change it inside the application) example: CDDA_SCSI_UNIT=3 MIDI_SERIAL_DEVICE= note: set this if you have a MIDI interface (this sets a default, you can change it inside the application) example: MIDI_SERIAL_DEVICE=serial.device MIDI_SERIAL_UNIT= note: set this if you have a MIDI interface (this sets a default, you can change it inside the application) example: MIDI_SERIAL_UNIT=1 Save the icon information and double click on the icon to start the application. After the screen mode selection the on-line help is available. Activate a window clicking on it and press the HELP key on your keyboard to access help (on-line help is LIMITED in the Junior version). Be sure to complete the setup clicking on the 'Other Prefs' button in the 'Control' window. Thank you for reading. _ // _ // Maurizio Ciccione \\// Software Engineer \/ AudioLab16 Author